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Table 1 Molecular pathways associated with ciliary pathology in each affected tissue

From: Photoreceptor sensory cilia and ciliopathies: focus on CEP290, RPGR and their interacting proteins

Organ/tissue/cell type

Signaling/biogenesis pathway(s)

Wnt, Shh, PDGF, PCP

Reviews and other references

Retina – photoreceptors

Ciliogenesis and transport

[32, 33][34]

Cognition – brain

GPCR trafficking to neuron cilia

[35, 36] JBTS: [37][38, 39]

Cerebellum – granule cells?

IFT, Wnt, Shh


Kidney cysts

Wnt/PCP, Shh, mTOR, Ca2+; mechanosensation, fluid pressure, proliferation


Hepatic fibrosisa

Ductal plate malformation – PCP?; receptors expressed on cilia; cysts – hyperproliferation





Situs inversus

Nodal, PCP



Neuronal cilia receptors Shh



Mechanical sensation, Shh, IFT

[58, 61–66]





Heart – Shh, cardiogenesis; lung – primary cilia precede motile cilia

[1, 68][69][70][71]

Neural tube defects/hydrocephalus

Shh, PCP

[72][73, 74]

  1. GPCR, G-protein coupled receptor; IFT, intraflagellar transport; JBTS, Joubert syndrome; PCP, planar cell polarity; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor. aNote the importance of distinguishing primary (for example, PCP/ductal plate malformation) and secondary (for example, hepatic fibrosis and congestion) characteristics.