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Figure 1 | Cilia

Figure 1

From: Normal mammary development and function in mice with Ift88 deleted in MMTV- and K14-Cre expressing cells

Figure 1

Disruption of Primary Cilia in Mammary Epithelium. (A-D) Cre reporter activity. X-gal stained mammary glands from 6-week-old MMTV-Cre; ROSA26LacZ mice (A, B). Whole mount x–gal staining (A). Cryosection through an end bud of the gland shown in A (B). Fluorescence in K14-Cre;ROSA26mTmG adult mice (C, D). Whole mount image (C) and a cryosection (D) are shown. (E-P) Immunofluorescent detection of PC in mammary gland. Thick cryosections of adult mammary tissue from MMTV-Cre control (E-G), MMTV-Cre; Ift88Del (K-M), K14-Cre control (H-J) and K14-Cre; Ift88Del (N-P) were stained with an antibody to the cilia specific protein, Arl13b (green). Myoepithelial cells were marked using an antibody to alpha Smooth Muscle Actin (red). Nuclei were stained blue. Areas shown in high magnification are boxed in the low magnification image to the left. Representative images of PC on luminal and myoepithelial (F); stromal and myoepithelial (G); myoepithelial (I); stromal (J); myoepithelial (L); stromal (M); myoepithelial (O); and stromal cells (P) are shown, scale bars are 13 μm. Quantification of PC on luminal epithelial cells in MMTV-Cre; Ift88Del mice (Q) and myoepithelial cells on K14-Cre; Ift88Del mice (R) are shown.

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