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Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P88
A network-based approach to dissect the cilia/centrosome complex interactome
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P87 -
Automatic detection of beating cilia with frequencies estimations
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P85 -
Function of the Ciliopathy gene RPGRIP1L in cortical neurogenesis
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P83 -
Insights into the role of Notch signalling in cilia motility regulation
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P81 -
Primary cilia in myoblasts: a role in quiescence
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P79 -
Identification of C. elegans RAB-5-dependent downstream effectors as regulators of ciliogenesis and ciliary membrane homeostasis
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P77 -
Biochemical characterization of transmembrane proteins (TMEMs) in the ciliary transition zone
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P75 -
Arl13b interferes with α-tubulin acetylation
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P73 -
New LKB1 function in the primary cilium
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P71 -
Recruitment of FOR20 and OFD1 onto pericentriolar satellites and centrosomes depends on the formation of a ternary complex with KIAA0753
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P69 -
Meckelin guides orientation of basal bodies along the striated rootlet
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P67 -
C2 domains as protein-protein interaction modules in the ciliary transition zone
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P65 -
Expression of the oncogenic, constitutive active Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor alpha D842V mutant induces loss of primary cilia
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P63 -
Phenotypic variability of CCDC103 mutation in British Pakistani children with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD)
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P61 -
Identification of mutations in DYNC2LI1, a member of the mammalian cytoplasmic dynein 2 complex, expands the clinical spectrum of Jeune/ATD ciliopathies
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P59 -
Identification of ciliogenic compounds using pancreatic cancer cells as a screening model
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P57 -
X-box promoter motif searches: from C. elegans to humans to novel candidate ciliopathies
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P56 -
Ciliome resequencing: A lifeline for molecular diagnosis in LCA
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P55 -
A study of new NEK8 mutations in patients with severe renal cystic hypodysplasia and ciliopathy-associated defects
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P54 -
KOUNCIL: Kidney-Oriented Understanding of Correcting Ciliopathies
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P50 -
An essential role of Plasmodium berghei kinesin 8 in axoneme assembly and male gametogenesis
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P46 -
A novel kinesin involved in flagellum attachment and positioning in Trypanosoma brucei
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P44 -
The Meckel-Gruber Syndrome protein TMEM67 (meckelin) regulates basal body planar polarization and non-canonical Wnt signalling via Wnt5a and ROR2
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P40 -
In vivo characterisation of the Golgi matrix protein giantin: linking extracellular matrix secretion and cilia function
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P38 -
Rescue of corpus callosum agenesis in two ciliary mutants by the short repressor isoform of Gli3
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P36 -
Role of outer dense fiber of sperm tails 2-like (ODF2L) protein in ciliation in mammalian cells and in zebrafish
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P32 -
Nucleoporins but not septins at the transition zone of cilia in Paramecium and Tetrahymena
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P28 -
Transition zone: the sequential assembly of its components parallels its dual role in basal body anchoring and ciliary function
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P26 -
The Arf GEF GBF1 integrates inputs from its product, Arf4·GTP, and the Golgi influx of sensory membrane cargo to activate Arf4 in ciliary trafficking
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P24 -
Fluid flow-induced bending of the primary cilium triggers a distinct intraciliary calcium flux in mesenchymal stem cells
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P22 -
Remodeling Cildb, a popular database for cilia and links for ciliopathies
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P21 -
Mechanisms of flagellum construction and maintenance
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):O20 -
TGFβ1 Signalling in human mesenchymal stem cells is regulated by the primary cilium
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P20 -
The Intraflagellar Transport Protein IFT27 promotes BBSome exit from cilia through the GTPase ARL6/BBS3
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):O18 -
Rab23 has a novel role in the trafficking of Kif17 to the primary cilia
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P18 -
Coordination of TGFβ/BMP signaling is associated with the primary cilium
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P17 -
Ultrastructural studies of Intraflagellar Transport trains in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii suggest a revision of the current model for IFT trafficking in the flagellar compartment
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):O16 -
Comparative genomics reveals novel genes associated with sensory cilia
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P16 -
Prostaglandin-D2 synthase localises to centrioles and primary cilium, and interacts with TOPORS, implicated in retinal ciliopathy
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P15 -
The architectural landscape of diverse ciliary functions
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):O13 -
Gain and loss of function mutations of ataxin-7 cause cilia pathology in mouse and zebrafish models
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P13 -
A high-throughput genome-wide siRNA screen for ciliogenesis identifies new ciliary functional components and ciliopathy genes
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):O12 -
Performing whole-exome sequencing in Bardet-Bield syndrome
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P11 -
Genotype-Phenotype correlations in Joubert Syndrome in the Era of Next Generation Sequencing
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P8 -
Cilium-autonomous regulation of tubulin transport by IFT
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):O8 -
Abnormalities in primary cilium of osteoblasts of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P6 -
Atomic models of microtubule doublets and dyneins in cilia revealed by cryo-electron microscopy
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):O6 -
Identification of Polycystin-2 and CFTR common targets
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):P4 -
Control of initial steps of ciliogenesis by protein kinases
Citation: Cilia 2015 4(Suppl 1):O4